St. Clair County Speeding tickets – Missouri Ticket Lawyer
By Appointment Only: 2100 E. Broadway, Suite 203 | Columbia, MO 65201 | 573.567.0737 |

St. Clair County is located in West Central Missouri. U.S. Route 54 passes through St. Clair. Routes 13, 52 and 82 also run throughout St. Clair County. These tickets are processed through the Fine Collection Center (FCC) in Jefferson City. You can access their website here. If you simply plead guilty to a St. Clair County speeding ticket or moving violation then 2-3 points will be added to your license and your insurance rates will probably spike.

Missouri Ticket Lawyer LLC has experience resolving speeding tickets and moving violations in a way that keeps points off your license and your insurance rates low. In almost all cases, we can resolve things without you ever having to appear in court or even visit our office. Please call our office at (573) 567-0737 or fill out this form for a free consultation!

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