Clark County Speeding Tickets – Missouri Ticket Lawyer
By Appointment Only: 2100 E. Broadway, Suite 203 | Columbia, MO 65201 | 573.567.0737 |

Motorists from Illinois, Iowa and Missouri often receive speeding tickets in Clark County while driving on 61 Highway (US-61) or 136 Highway (US-136) in northeastern Missouri. In October 2012, Missouri State Highway Patrol and the Clark County Sheriff’s Department issued 52 speeding tickets. This total was only 51st out of 114 counties, but 9th per capita! Almost all of these tickets were for 11-15 mph over the posted speed limit. These tickets are processed through the Fine Collection Center (FCC) in Jefferson City, Missouri. You can access their website here.

If you have been issued an FCC speeding ticket in Clark County, then you have 3 options:

1. The first option is to simply pay the fine and plead guilty. This will add 3 points to your Missouri driver’s license and potentially more to your license if you are from out of state. This conviction on your driving record will also probably cause your insurance rates to spike.
2. The second option is to plead not guilty and appear in front of a Judge at Clark County Courthouse in Cahoka.
3. The third option is to hire a law firm like Missouri Ticket Lawyer that practices traffic defense law to negotiate an amended charge from the prosecutor. An attorney can often negotiate your ticket down so that it will not appear on your driving record without a court appearance or an office visit.

If you have received a speeding ticket in Clark County, call our office at (573) 567-0737 or fill out this form to receive a free consultation.

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